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Puerto Rican leads advisory group at the Association of American Medical Colleges

She will represent the perspectives of Latinos and minorities in the nation Ponce, Puerto Rico – On April 1st, Emsley Vázquez Colón, Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Communications at Ponce Health Sciences University, was appointed chair of the marketing discipline in the Steering Committee of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group of […]

Ponce Research Institute Receives $2.5 M Grant from the National Cancer Institute

  In Collaboration with Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida, Researcher from PHSU’s Ponce Research Institute Receives $2.5 M Grant from the National Cancer Institute They will study a potential new treatment for breast cancer in Hispanics/Latinas   The National Cancer Institute awarded a $2.5 M grant to a team of researchers led by Dr. Harold […]

Prestigiosa revista médica publica artículo coescrito por investigadores de PHSU

El estudio HEROES investigó el impacto psicológico del COVID-19 entre profesionales del cuidado de la salud   El Dr. Eliut Rivera-Segarra y la Dra. Alixida Ramos-Pibernus, investigadores y facultad de la Escuela de Ciencias Conductuales y Neurales de Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU), son coautores de un artículo publicado en la prestigiosa revista médica The […]

Conversan sobre la retención de médicos en Puerto Rico

 Comisionado de Seguros de Puerto Rico presentó iniciativas para atender el éxodo de médicos El comisionado de seguros de Puerto Rico, el Lcdo. Alexander Adams, junto a representantes de hospitales del sur y suroeste de Puerto Rico, facultad y otros miembros de la academia de Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU), se dieron cita para conversar […]

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